"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.” Nikola Tesla
Start Art
Start Art is an expressive therapy workshop, intended for everyone who wants to get to know the approaches of expressive therapy, but do not dare to 'dive deep' in my longer two-day workshops. With the help of the creative process we touch a part of ourselves, notice it, see it and understand it.
Evolution of intuition: three workshops for igniting the intuition
Are you constantly wondering if you made the right decision about your job, partner, kids, or friends? Wondering where you belong in a broader sense and how to better understand people? Do you want someone, a friend, a friend who would constantly guide you in the right direction, where you could make your dreams come true, make the right decision or even help your loved ones?
A transformative journey through energy centers
Do you feel afraid to live? May be you have a feeling that you have subconsciously put on yourself the reins that control you not to ‘succumb’ to your wild instincts? Or that the world is simply too much for you and you have closed the door of perception? Are you afraid to feel your energy, passion, love, spirituality? Are you afraid to express yourself and your strength?
Evolution of creativity: three workshops for the liberation and utilization of creative energy
Do you know why almost all great artists were addicted? Were they successful and creative because of the addiction or were they alleviate the symptoms of a rushing creative flow with alcohol?
Are you a creator, an artist, an inventor, but you don’t know how your flow of creativity works? Everything that re-emerges in your mind, flows through your mind and is created is part of the creative energy that is constantly present in people, and is especially active in everyone who are the creators and inventors.
Journey to yourself
Let's embark on an inner journey to ourselves through creative processes. What lies beneath the pain we do not understand? Did we lock the childhood pattern or the event that affected us deep into the subconscious? The workshop allows for a gentle purification of the illusion that covers distress and clear insights into our true self.
Unleash your inner 'superpowers'
Is it enough for you to stay average and live a monotonous everyday life? Maybe you actually feel that some force is pulling you into passivity, apathy and melancholy? Have you given in to the force that anchors you to the average, that makes you invisible, timid, and obedient? Have you given up? Do you no longer believe that one day you may be able to spread your wings and fly in the wind of your true power? Don’t be afraid to claim your space in this world!
The labyrinth is an ancient form of the primordial energy structures of the collective unconscious, which symbolically influences the unfolding and insight of everything we bring into the labyrinth when we enter it. Ancient patterns are found in many cultures around the world.
At the monthly meetings, we combine ancient subtle yogic therapeutic techniques according to the Viniyoga method, and meditation. Viniyoga is a method that, with the help of sound - yogic mantras, visualizations and rituals, gently brings the individual into a state where he/she connects with his origin in meditation. Meditation is an individual experience and can be healing, energetic, communicative, relaxing, depending on the individual and his/her process.