unique program for

gifted women

Connect to your inborn intelligence. 

Embrace your true worth. 

Help change the world for the better.

A 6-week private group experience designed to support you in reconnecting to your inborn intelligence, give you a taste of your potential and create an abundance framework to uplevel your life.

Are you tired of despair and mundane life? 

Join our program and exceed your limitations! 

Program for Gifted Women is an empowering and enriching experience designed specifically for women with exceptional talents, abilities, creativity and higher intuition and awareness.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

When women reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, a creator, an inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest, and urge vibrant life in the inner and outer world.

While girls make up half of the identified gifted children in primary school, their representation declines by 25% as they progress to secondary school.

Peers often reject gifted girls because of their androgyny.

A significant number of gifted girls choose to conceal their giftedness due to societal expectations or challenging family dynamics. As a result, they may adopt rebellious behaviors or become overshadowed and unassuming.

A considerable number of gifted adult women often settle for careers that fall far below their true potential.

Gifted women face a 30% greater challenge in finding a partner compared to their counterparts.

Gifted women often experience ridicule and rejection due to their atypical differences, which can make them feel like outsiders or even aliens.

Many gifted women are a threat to others. They hide their abilities, remain passive, settle for lower expectations and eventually forget about their own abilities and achievements.

6-week online Program for gifted women...

... is for extraordinary, courageous, intuitive and creative women.

Characteristic of gifted women

  • Curiosity and energy - an unquenchable desire to know and understand more, an infinite number of questions for apparently simple things or events, the rejection of standard answers, the integration of ideas and information into new knowledge.
  • Hypersensitivity, overexcitabilities - gifted person perceives world in a more intense way and is often hypersensitive to smell, sound, the touch of rough fabric, etc.
  • Flexibility - they can adapt in life and shine in any environment.
  • Boredom - especially in routine tasks - is one of the first indicators of giftedness, both in adults and in children.
  • Subtlety and humor - gifted people often have the subtlety to perceive more than others (for example in a film, a situation, a story, etc.). They also have a particular humor that most people don't understand.
  • Speed - recognize and understand relationships and patterns in complex ideas and reassemble them faster than others.
  • Solitude - they enjoy solitude, because it allows them to organize their thoughts, patterns and systems in their minds, to try out new ideas.
  • Thought processes - they mostly work in a meta-pattern mindset.
  • Insomnia, androgyny, feelings of alienation, rejection, misunderstanding of interpersonal relationships...and many more.

Annemarie Roeper 

Giftedness is a greater awareness, a greater sensitivity, a greater ability to understand and transform perceptions into intellectual and emotional experiences.


Gifted women work and think faster, ask questions more persistently, disturb and annoy more people, and have more significant achievements and deep falls in life.

They may be completely paralyzed by their hardships and traumas and unable to express their talents at all.

The lack of recognition and neglect of giftedness and society's expectations means that many gifted women are 'dormant' because they do not recognize themselves as gifted.

That's where the Program for gifted women comes in.
It's time to reclaim and build a strong  foundation based on your true worth and inborn intelligence. 


  • you experience the world intensely and connect information in a different way than others;
  • you've been trying to integrate into society all your life, but you're not succeeding;
  • you claim you are not gifted and have a feeling you are never good enough; 
  • you can't find a partner and don't understand human relationships;
  • you struggle with femininity and sensuality; 
  • you feel alienated and misunderstood, may be also sinking into depression and anxiety; 
  • you are smarter and faster than your colleagues, but you don't want to expose yourself
  • you are hiding behind a mask of mediocrity, although you feel you have immense potential;
  • you realize that it's time to move on, to make your life meaningful and to contribute to a better future.

6 - WEEk PROGRAm for


Don't throw away your inner intelligence.

Claim your space in the world. 

Module 1: Understanding the complexity of giftedness

Exploring and understanding your inner sources of giftedness, intelligence and creativity.

Understanding the neurobiological, emotional, mental and energetic needs of the gifted women.

Modul 2: Boundaries

Facing and solving the challenges in personal and professional life.

Setting personal boundaries to feel more confident while facing the challenges, common to the gifted women.

Modul 3: Self confidence

Maintaining a positive self confidence in a world that doesn't understand the complexity of giftedness.

Helping to heal the hardships of gifted women, especially shame and quilt.

Liberating from society's expectations of what femininity is.

Module 4: Balance

Creating life balance in family, parenting, career, friendships, interpersonal relationships according to your interests, strengths and limitations.

Maintaining balance of mind, emotions and body.

Module 5: Discovering your individual gift

Discovering and recognizing your individual talents and embracing all their dimensions.

Unleashing creativity, inner gifted flow and connect to your authenticity. 

Modul 6: Life calling

Discovering the meaning and contribution of your unique talents to the needs of society at large.

Developing the intuition, joy and authenticity to live the life of a gifted woman.

Fully embrace yourself as an empowered gifted women.


"Through the profound and liberating processes with Katja, I had an awakening to my true purpose in life and discovered my full potential. Understanding who you truly are inside is of paramount importance. It's not just about enhancing your life anymore; it's about embracing your mission and fully expressing your energy. The possibility of authentically living your life on Earth is now within reach." P., Slovenia

"With no expectations, I surrendered myself completely, and what unfolded was a weekend beyond my imagination. It was a remarkable journey deep within myself, to my true SELF. The process was simultaneously strong and powerful, piercing yet awakening. However, it all unfolded in a safe environment, surrounded by accepting fellow participants, and with the exceptional professional support of Katja—physically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. Katja is an extraordinary therapist who truly empathizes and accompanies you on your journey. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking a deeper connection with themselves." Mojca, Slovenia

"Time and time again I was fascinated by how different techniques, different approaches bring out insights and deep insights. Thank you, dear Katja Ujčič , for helping us to discover the potential we carry within us. " Mateja, Ljubljana

"I am filled with gratitude for the newfound awareness of the shadows within my subconscious, as it brings immense liberation. It is difficult to capture this experience in anything less than poetic terms, as the process was intense and profound. Guided by Katja, each person was gently yet firmly led through various methods to gain insights into their subconscious fragments and ultimately achieve liberation. The group dynamic was supportive, allowing us to learn from one another. This extraordinary experience has instilled in me the confidence to trust my creativity and intuition." Polona, Ljubljana

"The program has been a transformative journey for me, leading to profound healing and a heightened sense of self. I now have a deeper awareness of my existence and feel more connected to my body. Katja's intuitive guidance throughout the program is truly magical. She deeply understands each individual's process and skillfully directs them in each moment. The feedback and support provided by Katja after each session are invaluable. What resonated with me the most was the healing through creativity approach and the intimate, welcoming atmosphere of the small group. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to others seeking a similar experience." Anja, Slovenia

"Katja's knowledge, energy and support are like a gentle river that leads you safely to the ocean. And at the right moments, she surprises you with her directness and determination, like a strong current that carries you over obstacles you cannot overcome alone." Polona, Ljubljana


Doubting your giftedness is the most common sign of gifted people. 

Check again.

As a child, did you ask questions that no one could answer?
Were you extremely shy as a child?
Did you sit in the back of the class at school?
Did you feel like you were 'too much' for others?

Are you struggling with how to be feminine?
Do you dress more like a boy?
Do you prefer to stay up late into the night reading books or researching about space, psychology or human cells rather than looking for the best dress, shoes or cosmetics?

Do you see the truth and always try to pursue it?
Do you find it difficult to work in very rigid, traditional and hierarchical relationships?
Do you find it difficult to talk about everyday things, but when it comes to your field of expertise, you start to sparkle?

Have you found it difficult (if at all) to find a partner?
In a partnership, do you never expect help and do everything yourself?
Are you afraid of losing your partner?
Do you find it difficult to be at social gatherings where several people chat casually and you hide in a corner?

Are you very self-critical?
Do you feel uncomfortable in your body?
Do you feel that you are never good enough?
Do you feel sad deep down inside, but you don't know what for?

Did you answer with YES to most of the questions? 

Then you are invited to join the Program for gifted women.

Your giftedness matters!

Program is an experience designed to give atypical women what they need to create a lifetime breakthrough.

6-week online Program for


DATE: The program will start in January 2024


REGISTRATION: info@katjaujcic.com 

VALUE: 999€ . 


  • 6 x 2.5 hours weekly workshops, 
  • 2 x 90 minutes individual session with Katja Ujčič (first one at the beginning, second one at the end of the program),
  • private Facebook group for the participants. 

The program offers a comprehensive experience that encompasses both intensive group and individual processes. During each weekly workshop, participants receive personalized feedback to support their growth. Practical tools and structure are provided to help align participants with their unique gifts, enabling them to unleash their creative potential. The program covers various aspects, including:

  • reconnecting to giftedness;
  • understanding yourself through the lens of giftedness;
  • understanding your gifted needs;
  • embracing your inner nuances;
  • developing self-confidence;
  • learn how to communicate your gifted needs and skills;
  • transforming limiting beliefs and habits;
  • heightened your awareness and intuition; 
  • taking practical steps in life to gain clarity and take action towards thriving.

Please note that the number of available spots is limited to ensure a personalized approach.

Your application will be confirmed upon payment, and additional instructions will be provided upon registration. By registering, you agree to the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Katja Ujčič explores these questions, and more, in a 6-week deep dive into the psychology and development of gifted women. Don't miss this limited-spaces opportunity! Our capacity to shine brightly, to re-engender those squandered aspects of our being is within reach, facilitated by a brilliant, compassionate and sensitive teacher.

Patricia Susan Jackson  

CEO and Founder of The Daimon Institute for the Highly Gifted


Embrace your true worth, connect to your inborn intelligence, and make an impact.



  • 6 x 2.5 hours weekly workshops.
  • Unique approach that supports all levels of your existence.
  • Unique methods that will support your journey and that you can use all your life. 
  • Personal guidance and practices.
  • Community guidance and practices.
  • Small number of participants.
  • Access to Private Facebook Group.
  • Two individual session with Katja Ujčič (2 x 90 minutes).


  • Discover your giftedness's implicit strengths and weaknesses and learn how to leverage them for your success. 
  • Improve your ability to deal with and understand those around you who are different from you.
  • Discover how your giftedness can lead to depression and anxiety and what you can do to prevent them.
  • Unveil your path toward your gifts and talents and open your heart to hear your life's purpose calling.
  • Get valuable insights that will help you improve many aspects of your life, from career advancement and personal development to spiritual progress.

Embrace your true worth, connect to your inborn intelligence, and make an impact.


  • 6 x 2.5 hours weekly workshops
  • Unique approach that supports all levels of your existence.
  • Unique methods that will support your journey and that you can use all your life. 
  • Personal guidance and practices.
  • Community guidance and practices.
  • Small number of participants.
  • Access to Private Facebook Group.
  • Two individual session with Katja Ujčič (2 x 90 minutes).

Dear Ladies,

we live in rare and intense times when we often feel confused and unsafe. We are questioning our values, life in general, and our purpose in life. Yet, at the same time, it is at times like these that we have an incredible opportunity to take essential steps in our lives. We can become heroines of our inner journey, discover our mission and contribute to the change in the world that we want so much.

An important part of the current situation is the reluctance and inability to recognize our inborn giftedness. It is imperative to recognize, accept and nurture our giftedness. We need to enable the development of as many talented and capable women as possible, empowered to the point where they can change the world.

Most gifted girls bury their giftedness deep in their subconscious because of the demands and expectations of society. For example, did you know that intelligent women are 30 percent less likely to find a suitable partner? So it's not enough to dream of better times. To become authentic and live a fulfilled life, we need to embark on a journey of exploration of our inner self-realization.

I have helped many gifted people worldwide, and I believe that now is the time for humanity to expand its consciousness and embark on the path of a revolution of consciousness.

The program for gifted women is designed for all who want to explore, discover and embrace giftedness and learn integrative approaches that will support your intensity and personal growth. Furthermore, it will help and guide you to heal the wound of the giftedness, especially shame and quilt, in a supportive group of gifted women, where you will feel safe, wanted, and understood.

I invite women who feel that the time has come for an inner personal change and a change in the consciousness of humanity to join the Program for gifted women.

Katja Ujčič

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